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Details about Malpais, Santa Teresa, and Montezuma, Costa Rica!

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If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? What would your daily life be like? What kind of people would you be surrounded by? How would you live your life? Allow yourself to dream for a minute, then read on and discover an opportunity to live the life you’ve always wanted – close to nature and taking the time to rediscover yourself.

Lifestyle in the Southern Nicoya of Costa Rica

Quality of Life

Cowboy lifestyle is part of Costa Rican culture Farmers and ranchers first inhabited the Southern Nicoya and continue to bring the country-style of life to the beach areas. “Pura Vida” (pure life) is more than a saying in Costa Rica, it’s the way the people live their daily lives in harmony with themselves, each other, and their land. Maybe it’s the abundant wildlife, flora, and fauna that make them appreciate this life, a gift that is appreciated and held in joyfully living. It is also the warmth of the people which is so appealing for the increasing number of foreigners moving to Costa Rica. The fact is that Ticos (Costa Rican natives) traditionally enjoy the small things in life. They are quick to strike up a friendly conversation and share a good laugh with anyone. They are especially patient with foreigners trying to speak Spanish and take the time to greet each person equally.

Broken down motorists need no triple AAA – the next passing car will stop to help find a solution. By taking time for each other we create a strong sense of support and cooperation that uplifts the entire community. Work and progress in town is steady, yet the overall pace of life is easy-going, as no one seems to be in a hurry. People tend to hang outside shops having a good time at what seems like nothing at all. What they are doing is celebrating life, in each and every moment of each and every day, and that is something worth living.

Foreign Influence

Quality gift shop in Montezuma featuring crafts from around Costa Rica Many new arrivals from all corners of the world have settled here over the past ten years. Not only Americans, but Italians, German, French, Swiss, Dutch, Canadian, Israeli, New Zealanders, Australians, and many South Americans have happily made the jump into Malpais living. Since opening a business is quite a simple process, most have opened shops of their own, contributing spa centers, various yoga classes, nutritional stores, art spaces, coffee shops, and bakeries just to name a few. The overwhelming reaction to this change has been positive and ticos are generally exited to talk about what the new buzz is about each week. This melting pot of foreign culture continues to blend with the local customs and way of life and lends Malpais a rich, unique flavor and diversity.

Local Economy

Most tico-run shops are “mom ‘n pop” type places, run by the family day and night. Many places cover many needs at one shop. The ice cream store in Santa Teresa, for example, also repairs and rents bicycles, sells odds and ends, and is where you pay your electric bill. Other artisans weave throughout the town selling their fresh baked cakes, pastries, and empanadas. Pick-ups loaded with fresh produce circulate weekly and others with fresh seafood. These good hearted souls work hard to bring fresh supplies to our area and a smile on your face.

Organic Market

Honey and Hart's organic market every Saturday at 3pm in Malpais/Santa Teresa, Costa Rica Every Saturday there is an outdoor market in the morning in Montezuma, and in the afternoon at the beach in Playa Carmen. At the center is a bountiful array of 100% organic vegetables, fruits, herbs, cheeses, breads, chocolate, etc, sold at very reasonable prices. Other vendors come and sell their baked goods and set up displays of art, clothes, and jewelry. The hosts of the market share tips on how to use local herbs and food for medicine and cooking; meanwhile, musical instruments are passed around and played while people shop and kids dance around in the grass.


Perfect Playa Hermosa beach in northern Malpais/Santa Teresa area of Costa Rica The southern Nicoya Peninsula exhibits some of the most breathtaking white sand beaches in Costa Rica. In fact, Forbes Magazine recently ranked Malpais as “one of the top ten most beautiful beaches in the world.” It’s no wonder, with miles of sandy, coconut-palm lined beaches along a warm blue sea. Three large beaches stretch out on the Malpais side including Playa Carmen, Santa Teresa, and Playa Hermosa. Beachcombers find exotic treasures on the shore while exercise enthusiasts take advantage of the low tide hard pack sand to jog, run, or ride a bike. Amazing tidal pools are found in the reef sections of the beach for sun-bathed swimmers as the waves crash just outside. On the Montezuma side, a long stretch of sandy beach slips north towards Playa Grande’s surfing beach. Horses are available on both sides of the peninsula for beach walks and sunset rides.

The Local Cuisine

Famous restaurant in Montezuma, Costa Rica - Playa de los Artistas A mixture of traditional Costa Rican fare and international foods are offered in the many restaurants throughout town. Customary foods like ceviche, which is made from fresh fish marinated in herbs and lime juice is served in local eateries called Sodas. Common fare is the rice and bean mixture which can be accompanied by fresh fish, chicken, or meat, salad, and ripe plantains. Many sodas add homemade specialties such as delicious fried yucca or picadillo, which is made from flavorful seasoned vegetables. Other options include several types of brick-oven pizzerias, falafels, Thai, Argentina grills, and California style plates such as fish tacos and Portobello mushroom sandwiches. Both Malpais and Montezuma also have a vegetarian restaurant that serves amazing freshly made foods cooked to order. In addition the food, many restaurant host musical bands and art parties which provide entertainment for its guests.


Secret waterfall in the hills near Cabuya/Montezuma Waterfalls, canopy tours, nature hikes, Santa Teresa surfing, and fishing are all within reach on both sides of the peninsula. On the Montezuma side is Cabo Blanco National Park which offers hiking trails through the rainforest, guided trips, and the chance to see the white-faced cappucin monkey. Montezuma’s waterfalls are some of the best in the country and residents visit them often for a refreshing swim. Canopy tours offer zip-line rides through the trees and stunning views of the ocean and waterfalls below. On the Mal Pais side, small waterfalls are found with swirling cool pools tucked into the forest. The fishing village is located in Malpais where the fresh catch is filleted and sold right off the boat. The fishermen also offer fishing tours for you to catch your own yellow fin tuna, mahi-mahi, red snapper, amberjack, and grouper.


Surfing in Santa Tersa / Malpais, Costa Rica is a very popular sport It’s no secret that the beaches and reefs of Santa Teresa, Malpais, offer up world-class waves year round. Surfing is perhaps on of the major draws for travelers to this area. The combination of beach breaks and point breaks offer an exiting variety and challenge to even the most experienced surfer. Surfing is possible for all experience levels, and there are several shops which give private and group lessons for beginners. The lush tropical backdrop, warm water, and friendly locals make surfing a truly surreal experience.


With so much to do it is important to take the time to relax and unwind. Costa Ricans understand this important aspect of living and find the time to lye in a hammock and read or just listen to the rain’s soft patter on the roof. The sounds of birds and monkeys remind you of how close to nature you are and add sense of calmness, peace, and clarity to your day. Ability of meditation is increased as the only sounds you hear are natural vibrations of the earth and its animals.

Nature in Solar Vistas

A troop of pizotes (coatimundis in English)- photo by Adam Dozens of species of tropical birds, monkeys, exotic reptiles, deer, and striped squirrels are just some of the local wildlife that greets you each day. Lack of surrounding development gives the Solar Vistas community a private natural ambiance of peace and tranquility in nature’s bosom. The gently flowing river below bubbles in the wet season and attract all sorts of animal life to its faucet. The fresh water lake next to the clubhouse will provide a year-round watering hole for wildlife. There are expansive views as far as the eye can see of green mountains, rivers, and forests, revealing Costa Rica’s lush tropical landscapes.

Living Green

Living in accordance with nature and its surroundings provides you with a deep sense of connection to the earth and all its inhabitants. Green living is about minimizing our impact on the earth while providing sustainable systems to support a comfortable lifestyle. Using the sun’s energy (solar) to power the home is just one way we live more in touch with our natural elements. The homes are built from smart energy saving materials and designed to catch the natural sunlight and ventilated towards fresh ocean breezes. Outdoor drying rooms, rainwater harvesting, and local fruit gardens provide sustainability for Solar Vistas guests while the clubhouse and pool provide common areas for recreation.

More Info about Santa Teresa and Malpais

Santa-teresa.com – Santa Teresa website portal with hotels, restaurants, beaches, surfing, yoga and more.
www.malpaissurfing.com/ – Santa Teresa surfing information for this coastline including Mal Pais, Playa Carmen, Santa Teresa, and Playa Hermosa.
Costaricajourneys.com/southern-nicoya-peninsula/ – Info about the Southern Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica